miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Český sen

The Czech dream is a documentary film proyect which its main issue is to show how the adverisement campaings has a huge power to manipulate pepole pushing them to consumerism. Capitalism economy recently setted up in Eastern Union conutries shows the changes in the social model and the achievement of new habits. Filip Remunda and Vit Klusak, the documentary directors, could not carry out this proyect without the State support. The ambitious proyect covers tv and radio spots, the comporative identity design, posters on the billboards, flyers, a composed hymn for the hypermarket and also the construction of a false front. The slogans prayed all over the city fo Prague "don´t come" "don´t spend" or "don´t rush". In spite of it, as we probably know, ironi can be used as a market strategy too, so, nobody cared about this negative messages. The great oppening was supposed to take place on the 31 st of May and 4000 people decided to come. Klusak and Remunda were there dressed up as managers and cutted the red ribbon in a simulated ceremony. Then, people went straight to the big fake front. There were sevaral kind of reactions. Some of them, felt upset. Others thought that they considered that it made them think... A men told to the camera that he wouldn´t vote in favour to Czech Republic joins the European Union. This proyect was developped coinciding with the elections for the entry of the Czech Republic in the Uropean Union. The political intention is duplified because both publicity campaigns appear in comparisson.

The film is a kind of sad comedy. We couldn´t avoid to feel unconfortable seeing what was going to happend. People really believed that is was true. For a moment we feel that it is a cruel joke, but sometimes, to leave the things into the extrem is the most effective way to envolve the public. I found very painfull to listen to the citizens talking about their dreams, fueled by comercials. A repeated question comes: does the end justies the means? It depends in the cases. This time I thik that several people were agree with the joung filkmakers, who could cover the costs of their proyect because it generated benefits to their producers. The acceptance of the proyect is an important fact in order to consider if the artists have been really woried about the exposed conflict.

Český sen. Filip Remunda and Vit Klusak. 2003.

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